Delicious in season now! [Garlic sauteed rape blossoms and cherry shrimp with garlic] @ Azabujuban
Rape blossoms are the general term for the flowers of cruciferous plants.
In terms of native farms, kale, komatsuna, calashina, wasabi greens, cauliflower, etc.
These are all members of the Brassicaceae family, and each has its own rape.
Rape blossoms sold in supermarkets have been bred to be sold as rape blossoms.
To begin with, the ultimate goal of vegetables is to leave offspring (seeds).
During the winter, to protect the room where the seedlings grow, called the cotyledon, the leaves enlarge and curl up to protect it from the cold and store nutrients in it.
Then, when the temperature rises, they put all their energy into making the flowers bloom.
By the time the flowers bloom and the seeds are set, the entity is dead, so farmers do not wait until the flowers bloom, but instead, after harvesting the leaves, they clean up and start preparing the next field.
However, the native farm delivers its vital rape blossoms to customers every year as a variety of rape blossoms!
Rape blossoms are actually 'stalks, not flowers. The stems are insanely sweet.
Please enjoy the rape blossoms that can only be tasted during this season.
It's in season and delicious! [Garlic sauté of rape blossoms and cherry shrimp] Azabujuban
The general name for the flowers of plants in the Brassicaceae family is rape blossoms.
In terms of conventional farms, kale, komatsuna, mustard greens, wasabi greens, cauliflower, etc.
All of these plants belong to the Brassicaceae family, and each has its own rape blossoms.
The rapeseed flowers sold in supermarkets have been bred to be sold as rapeseed flowers.
The ultimate purpose of vegetables is to produce offspring (seeds).
During the winter, to protect the ovary, the room where the seeds grow, the leaves enlarge and curl up to protect them from the cold and store nutrients there .
Then, as the temperature rises, they put all their energy into making the flowers bloom.
By the time the plants bloom and set seeds, the fruit will wither, so farmers do not wait until the flowers bloom, but after harvesting the leaves, they clean up and prepare for the next field. up and prepare for the next field.
However, at local farms, we deliver rape blossoms full of vitality to our customers in the form of various rape blossoms every year!
Rapeseed flowers are actually "edible stems, not flowers." The stems are extremely sweet.
Please enjoy the rape blossoms that can only be enjoyed at this time of year